2019 – 2020
Art Direction
Brand Identity
Motion Media
Social Media Marketing

Adobe After Effects
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator

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Ok, So Podcast

A group of art kids graduate into a worldwide pandemic. It almost sounds like a sick joke. Being an artist is tough — some deal with the uncertainty of being financially stable, some question their degrees, some face push-back from family. To make matters worse, the creative industry took a severe hit from the pandemic which caused more headache to those who lost their jobs, graduated from college into this mess, or had to give up a dream for rent money.

As recent graduates, we understand the stresses of finding a job, of perfecting your portfolio, and having to answer the question “so are you going to go back to school for another degree?”
So, we tracked and sat down with professionals from all fields of the creative industry to understand how they got there and how we, and you, can do it too.

As art director, I helped develop the visual language of the podcast and supervised the launch campaign. I now serve as the principal designer of static and motion content, manage all outsourced talent and social media content along with all branded assets.



All episodes are available on Apple Music, Spotify, Google Podcasts, Overcast, Breaker, Castbox and others. All episode covers were illustrated by different artists that are breaking into the creative industry.

Meet the Team

Gio Turra

The ultimate merger of Brazilian sadboi musician, excited project creator: Gio is the host and director of Ok, So. He's the frontman of the Atlanta rock band, The Twotakes, and has toured the country in a Kia Sorento. He's every high school girl's rockstar crush that turns into an NPR host on our podcast. He starts every sentence saying, "ok, so..." (hence the name of the podcast). Listen to some of his famous rants on our show.

We love Gio.

Thang Ho

Imagine the charms of George Clooney and the wit of Steve Jobs and package that into a travel-sized, 5'3" angry Vietnamese kid, and you've got Thang. He is the founder of Hoca Studio, and makes all the video elements of this podcast come to life. He's won a student Emmy for best music vide, by the way, and his films have been featured in many festivals. His perfect pup, Isa, is the glue that holds the team together.

This dude is the shit.
View more of his work —>
Roberta Nicastro

A hell of a graphic designer with the worst knees in 2021 (dislocated them 7 times). Roberta (aka me) is our illustrious Brazilian Art Director; in other words, if the blue isn’t #31DBD7, she’ll hunt you down until it is. Her perfectionism is the lifeblood of our aesthetic. She doesn't like saying it, but she's won a shit ton of national design awards, is an avid cloud-watcher and has an unhealthy love affair with typography.

She's pretty bad ass (if I do say so myself).

Iara Faria

You know that super artistic quiet girl that somehow does everything quickly and beautifully? That's Iara. She assists with the graphic and motion assets, handles our Twitter page, keeps us updated with podcast recommendations, and loves sculpting mini-things. She's also a certified cake decorator, had her work displayed on the NASDAQ in Times Square, and is a killer SFX makeup artist.

She's dope and is also from Brazil.
View more of her work —>

2021 © Roberta Nicastro
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